Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Real World DC Premiere Recap: Ebony and Bi-vory

Thursday, December 24, 2009
2009 Television Wrap-up
Now, on to the real deal. I apologize that it has been so long since I lasted added my thoughts to this list. I over-committed and under-slept, and, by the time I wanted to do another article, it was nearly time for the end of the year-round-up. And I did not want to take away from any of my jokes by doing a double post. So I waited. And have now set up for you my list of the best and worst comedies and dramas of the year.
The Shizznit:
ABC has done a great job this year introducing the public to actually funny comedy shows, starting back in March with Better Off Ted (who makes use of actress Portia de Rossi of Arrested Development). But this fall they brought us the amazingly hilarious Cougar Town (boasting with a cast of Courtney Cox, Christa Miller, and Dan Byrd). Each episode takes me on a ride of emotions from elation to a little sad straight back to elated. It plays with your mind. It has little Easter Eggs from the observant. It portrays real life, though not the life that you or anyone else has. It shows what real life would be like if we all had nice bodies and sharp wit (a team of costumers and writers might help in this area). It is just downright side-splittingly comical. And I hope the team of Beigel and Lawrence (both writers from Scrubs) keep showing us a great time every Wednesday at 10.
If you like this show, also check out “Modern Family,””Better Off Ted,” and “Community.”
Just Plain Shit:
In the past two years, How I Met Your Mother has become a sensation. Most of this is due to the talent of Alyson Hannigan and Neil Patrick Harris. But a lot of it has to do with the writers of the show, Carter Bays and Craig Thomas, who had previous success as writers on the Late Show with David Letterman. So, thinking they could create another triumph, CBS decided it would take a no-name writer (Claudia Lonow), and mix her with a bunch of no-name actors. And from this hodge-podge, out comes Accidentally on Purpose, marking the first time that the title of a show has described its conception (it’s a pun; laugh now). The jokes are forced. The relationships are clichéd. The characters are un-relatable. In short, this show needed aborted after about three weeks (sorry, could not resist.)
I am going to add just a few sentences about Glee, because it would be both unwise and unfair to ignore it. I thought I would love the show, but I end up hating it more and more each week. I don’t like the songs, the singers, the plots, or the characters. I am in the minority in this opinion, and I am okay with that. However, please do not confuse Notoriety with talent; just because it is cool and new does not mean that it is good. Thank you.
Back in November I did I review of Joss Whedon’s current show, Dollhouse. At the time, my disappointment and sadness outweighed my love and loyalty to the show. But those feelings have been revived. After a month-long hiatus, Dollhouse returned bigger and better than ever. Having already been cancelled, Whedon did not have to try to conform or meet a quota. He was left to his own devices, which is how he produces his best work. We were graced with two new episodes every week starting 4 December with guest star Summer Glau (Firefly). Each one is fast-paced, suspenseful, and exciting. My brain explodes with each new twist, each new development, and each new enemy. This past week’s double-feature had me on the edge of my seat, knuckles white gripping the sides of my laptop. I simply loved it. I am excited that there are still three episodes left (including a continuation of last season’s special “Epitaph” miniseries), but I am disappointed that it will be over so soon. I can only hope that someone soon recognizes Whedon’s greatness and enlists him in helping improve their primetime lineup. P.S. Though technically in its 2nd season, Dollhouse first aired in February of this year, so it counts.
If you are a fan of this show, you might also enjoy ”V.”
Despite their acclaim in the humor department, ABC needs some help choosing good serious television. They were the ones that cursed us with the show Eastwick (these are the jokes…) which has been cancelled, though was somehow allowed to air awful episodes through the end of the year. Another show that should be circumvented is FlashForward. I was only able to force myself to watch three episodes of this, but those three were more than enough. Starring Joseph Fiennes ( brother of Ralph who plays “Voldemort” of the Harry Potter Series; is personally no one of great importance), this show started with an interesting premise that quickly turned into a great ball of nothing. Characters tried to prove that they would never do the things they are going to do. Other characters don’t believe them. Some are scared they are going to die. They follow leads. They get nowhere. After an hour, nothing has happened. This show was put on a hiatus until March, but it should be expanded indefinitely. It is neither a good lesson in character psyche, nor a good way to spend your time. It needs replaced ASAP, possibly with something by Bryan Fuller or Joss Whedon (fingers crossed).
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Have you Met... Priscilla Ahn?

The "Have You Met..." column will focus on artist's who have debuted in the last few years that you might have missed. These will, for the most part, be singer/songwriters who should have had commercial success, but for one reason or another, were lost in the shuffle.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
"The Sing Off" Night One: Folds-ing Under Pressure

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Golden Globe Nominations: Lazy Eyes

Today the Golden Globe noms were posted on their website, and it gave me the inspiration to voice some concerns, some wondrously adoring praises, and some "throw my laptop out my window" moments. Do not be alarmed. Only my busboy, Juan, was hurt in the making of this article.

Monday, December 14, 2009
A Howling Shame

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Winning the War

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wainwright Kin and Wonder Twins

Lucy Wainwright Roche "8 Songs" (7/10)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Glee Finale Recap: Lights, Camera, Macktion?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Rewind Sunday: Dashboard Confessional

Dashboard Confessional "The Swiss Army Romance" (Then: 7/10 Now: 9.5/10) Released: 2000
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Glee Recap: Lea-Lovin'

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Rewind Sunday: Damien Rice

Friday, November 27, 2009
Glee Recap: Deaf, Dumb, and Blind

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
All that Glitters is not Old

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Losing Its Teeth
First of all, I am a fan of The Vampire Diaries (6/10), and really, vampires in general. This show following the vampire Salvatore brothers and the grief-stricken orphan Elena, began the season on a high note-I was hooked immediately. A witch best friend? History references? A sexy good vampire, Stefan, and his (also sexy) seemingly evil brother, Damon? A sweet love story that seems to be destined? Be still my beating heart!
However, the last few episodes have been falling short of my expectations. The story line has mostly been solid, and the characters are still (mostly) lovable and charming. The main problem also happens to be (in my opinion) the main part of the story: Stefan and Elena's relationship. At first their budding romance was sweet and my heart held on to them, week to week. Then-the annoyances began. After Stefan "came out" as a vampire he and Elena began the classically aggravating "I can

The last episode-The Turning Point-seemed like it may have been a reprieve! At last, the couple this show centers around will stop their whining and be together! Elena's confession of love put a stop to Stefan's self sacrifice and the two had a passionate scene-culminating in what looked like wonderful sex :). But just when I was giddy with joy, watching them cuddle in the afterglow-stupid Stefan went to get Elena a drink and left her alone in his room to find a picture of Katherine (the vampire who turned him during the Civil War)-who happens to be a mirror image of her. Stefan returned to find his room empty-and then we had one of those wonderful cliff hangers that we all love. *sigh* I'm holding out hope that The Vampire Diaries will redeem itself-the twinkle in Damon's eye will continue to make me hold on. Really I'd give the ranking for the first half of the season thus far an (8/10) and these last few episodes (4/10)- (the plot has been going a little ADD lately too), so let's see if we can redouble our efforts, c'mon Vampires!!!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
American Idol: Top Ten Performances of All Time

10. Blake Lewis "You Give Love a Bad Name"- Blake was a trailblazer for American Idol for many reasons. A beat-boxer who sang incredibly well, he infused the sixth season of my beloved show with a uniqueness that was MIA that year. In an four month story-arc filled with Lakisha, Melinda, and Jordin belting out the same old perfect melodies, Blake (and his adorable outfits) lit up the stage with his personality. You Give Love a Bad Name was arguably his most risky performance, and it propelled him into the top 2. With it's four straight measures of boxing, it's decidedly un-Bon Jovi melody, and his rampant charisma, he worked it out and gave us the most exciting song of season 6.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Glee Recap: Obsessive-Repulsive

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Rewind Sunday: Ashlee Simpson & Jason Mraz

Each Sunday I'll (try to) review one or two albums that are at least five years old. While it will hold the same content as a regular post, I'll also be looking at whether it holds up to music today. I'm going to kick it off with a good one and a stinker (hint, look at the title. It's the opposite of what you think.)

Friday, November 13, 2009
Rage, Repetition, and Renewal: A Rihanna Reverie. Really.

Rihanna "Rated R" (4.5/10)
The one bright spot (ironically) is the mopey first single "Russian Roulette."