Tuesday, December 8, 2009


"Glee: The Music Vol. 2" (2/10)

When the first Glee album came out about a month and a half ago, I thought it was a halfway decent attempt at turning pop music into musical numbers. It had some very good songs on it (mostly supplied by Kristin Chenoweth) and some promising performances (sans anything Matthew Morrison.)

This is not so with the second go-around. Frankly, this CD sucks. Everything on it (except for one song) is either a pale imitation of the original or a total bore. Corey and Lea, you two fumbled badly on Imagine. Matthew, while you had better selections than "The Thong Song" this time, you still weren't convincing or interesting. Amber Riley, you are not Jennifer Hudson, Beyonce, or any other diva you embarrassingly try to impersonate. I never want to hear anyone but Ms. Hudson (or Jennifer Holiday) sing "And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going." Have a word with the producers, babe. Get some less predictable material.

One of the things I find perplexing is their obsessive need to make so many songs group numbers thrown in without context. For instance, if Diana Agathon's "Crush" had some sort of story to go with it, it could have been a legitimate hit. But because it just sits there, it gives the unmistakable oder of so-so karaoke. That is one of my main beefs with the music and the show itself: they don't NEED to have these random songs tossed in. Pull a "Busting Windows" again and have a true musical experience. Do they really think that people will care when the show is barely grounded in reality already?

The one song that gets a thumbs up from me (and salvages the album from a "1/10" rating) is Lea Michele's version of "Don't Rain on My Parade." She soars on this track, and while that is no surprise, it is still a welcome break from dry-as-toast numbers like "True Colors."

Special mention should also go to all the cast members that participated in the Glee rendition of "My Life Would Suck Without You." Guys, that was ear-wrenchingly terrible. Why Kelly gave you that song, I will never know. She is probably dying a little inside as she hears the traumatic way it sounds like an ugly twin of her version. Never ever ever do that to a wonderful icon of pop music. Also, stop putting Jayma Mays on the cover if she doesn't sing a note on the actual CD. That is just common courtesy.

In short, do not buy this. Do not download it. Make like "Old Yeller" and shoot it while it's foaming at the mouth. Maybe in another year, Glee will succeed in putting out a decent album, but based on this offering, I wouldn't hold my breath.


  1. First, get your childhood movies right. "Old Yeller" was the rabid dog. Second, Her name is Amber Riley and she can do no wrong. She did sing that song for her audition, but only because it is a strong choice vocally. It would be a great audition song for someone of her caliber. But it is not up to her what songs she sings for the show. You of all people should know that the actor is not the same as the writer. It is not her fault that most people associate black female singers with that song. Also, Jennifer Hudson did not really do that song much justice either.

  2. She didn't have to do the exact same thing J Hud. did. The actress clearly thinks she is better than she actually is. The notes were almost identical to the recent movie rendition. It just came off as a PALE IMITATION because Jennifer Hudson's version RULES ALL.

    And thanks for the movie correction. That was slightly embarrassing.

  3. Correction on Amber Riley's audition. She did not choose the song to sing. In fact she had never sung it before. They asked her to sing it. The actor has very little say in what happens with their character. So to blast this poor Amber for something she just got typecast into anyways is totally unfair. As a young actor, typecast is the only way into anything. It's just how it works. I know Sam isn't trying to blast the actress as much as the show, but let's be a little nicer. She can't help what multi-millionaires do with her character.
