Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Golden Globe Nominations: Lazy Eyes

Example of things called "comedy":

Today the Golden Globe noms were posted on their website, and it gave me the inspiration to voice some concerns, some wondrously adoring praises, and some "throw my laptop out my window" moments. Do not be alarmed. Only my busboy, Juan, was hurt in the making of this article.


- Why is there no nomination for Dan Byrd (who plays Jule's son on Cougar Town)? In just three words he can leave me crying-on-the-floor laughing. No offense to Neil Patrick Harris (who secured one of the coveted spots), but it belongs to Mr. Byrd.

- I know I've said this before, but what is the fascination behind The Office? It secured itself yet another "Best Comedy" spot over shows like, for instance, Cougar Town or Community or even Ugly Betty. This is wrong when the show is getting as stale as it is. Pack it up, Carell!

- While I don't doubt her talent, I'm not sure than Lea Michele deserves a slot for Best Actress. For one thing, she didn't get enough screen time to be truly considered a "lead." Also, she had bunk material for about half of the season and her character at times was thoroughly unlikable.

- John Hamm is not great. He's fine, he's good. He's not great.

Happy, jittery victories:

- Anything 30 Rock. It's still my favorite show ever. Congrats to Tina, Alec, and the show itself for getting nominated.

- Courtney Cox! YES! I knew that there had to be someone who loved her as much as I did as Jules. Cougar 4eva!

- Even though I haven't seen Nurse Jackie yet, I love me some Edie Falco, so I'm happy she got noticed (how could you not? the woman is a goddess).

- January Jones makes Mad Men what it is. She may not be SNL material (that episode was brutal), but she is perfect for the Grace Kelly-esque role she was cast in.

- I have to admit, House has grown on me. It's schtick that Laurie is doing, but it's good schtick. I am totally fine with him and the show getting their traditional nominations.

- Modern Family got a nod for best comedy! Hooray for non-sexual material! Family values! TV-PG! YAY!

Things that make me want to die inside:

- Matthew Morrison getting a spot on the "Best Actor in a Comedy Series" category. His acting of late has been stage performing at best. The guy needs to stick to Broadway, stat.

- Glee. Glee, Glee, Glee. No Cougar Town, no Desperate Housewives, no Betty. Just Glee. Blech.

- While Modern Family did get noticed, the same cannot be said for any of its cast members. Which is a crying shame.

I think the main problem this year was that everyone just nominated who they thought would win. There were no real surprises, no dark horses coming out of nowhere. Even if (God forbid) 30 Rock got on less nom, it would be nice to see a great yet un-hyped actor get the slot. It just seemed lazy and predictable this time around.

So what were your biggest triumphs/disappointments? Did Glee really deserve all four noms it got?

1 comment:

  1. Yayyy for Cougar Town and Modern Family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree about the sadness of the Modern Family actors not getting nominated, as well as Byrd-I friggin find him brilliant.

    Hmm....I get some of the Glee noms: the overall and Sue. Morrison and Michelle's surprised me too, I'm not sure whether I'm mad at it or not though....there are probably those more deserving so probably leaning towards unhappy.
